5 thoughts on “Check me out on Day 15”

  1. Heck! I couldn’t see the video on my tablet! Ugh! Probably “user error”:-)

    But I can tell from your comment that you are delighted with how Rawls is doing!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS RAWLS! And it gets better and better!!

    Hugs and extra treats!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  2. Drats I can’t see it either. Might be too big? I don’t know. Create a YouTube account to upload vids, it’s super easy to embed them here that way, you just paste the URL and it automatically appears. PM me if you have questions OK?

    1. That is weird because it is only 13 seconds long. I will try and upload it again. It is really great. I did put it on Facebook and tagged #tripawd are you able to see it there?

  3. Yo! Rawley!

    You are lookin’ GOOD buddy! Just got caught up on your blog and I can see you are gonna be living the high life as a tripawd :).

    Can you tell us more about the laser and ozone therapy you mentioned in your last post? How do they work?

    Looking forward to following your tripawd journey!
    Codie Rae

    1. Yes, both treatments we get from our holistic vet. The ozone is administered rectaly and is just oxygen. Cancer cells die when exposed to oxygen so this just pumps his body full and supports his organs etc. The laser therapy we did on his incision to promote healing but prior to that we used laser for pain and inflammation in the limb we eventually removed. You can google both of these treatments for more info on them. Rawley is also on a special anti Cancer diet (protein and dark leafy greens only. No carbs) and also takes many other anti Cancer herbal supplements as well. Hope this is helpful to you. Take care, Amanda & Rawley

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